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Friday, October 18, 2013


So what has our little family been up to this past week? 
Well, first up - I'm starting to feel better!
Still bad days/moments/and lots of gross smells in this world - but getting better!

Last weekend, I did a craft show for the first time in forever.
Came home, took a bath, and off we went to a hayride/get-together.
There was bareback horse riding...

A dark hayride.
JJ hated the flash on my phone....

But every hill got the roller coaster treatment :)

And then fireworks.
I mean, come on.
Fireworks in October?!

Sunday we went to church, went to Mom and Dad's for lunch, and went home.
I jumped straight in bed for a nap before evening service.
I woke up to this...
Someone was still tuckered out from the busy days before.

Monday was a nice day, so we spent a lot of time outside playing with the kittens.
Being outside doesn't bother me.
It smells really clean right now, so I always feel pretty good sitting outside. 

So cute!

I think I'm turning into a cat person...

Tuesday we went to WalMart.
I got groceries for the first time in forever.
Kevin was very thankful!
(Since he's been the one doing it all for a while)

We found, and enjoyed, some puddles and Happy Meals.

These things.
Still obsessed with Frozen Cokes.

Today we spent some time outside.
As soon as the door opens, you're bombarded by 5 happy little kittens wanting to play.
And the LOVE my son.

He does anything he wants to them and they keep coming back for more.

Tomorrow, we're FINALLY celebrating Kevin's birthday and jumping in front of the TV to cheer on the Cards. And hopefully the rest of the weekend will include some lazy days and more Frozen Cokes.

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