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Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Blogging on a Monday. Boom.
Maybe I'm finally getting back in the swing of things.
Currently blogging while Kevin and I watch SE7EN.
Which I reference here. It's awesome.
Kevin has never seen it.
Can you believe it??

Our weekend started by doing some primitive shopping.
I've got a lot of decorating to do.
I found this gem...
A vintage, metal ceiling tile.
Along with some other awesome scores.

Then played some iPad.

The next day we met my parents for dinner.
JJ asked for these teeth.
Yes, sir - you may.
I also noticed that the "bug bites" on my arms were getting worse.
Way worse.
Are these even bug bites?

Saturday JJ was wanting to take some pictures with Sophie.
He was trying to force her to look at the camera.

It didn't work.

Oh well.

Sunday I woke up and my arms were even worse.
And my neck.
And my tummy.
So Kevin and JJ went to church and I went to Convenient Care.

Doc said I had a severe reaction to something I came into contact with while weeding earlier in the week. (Ya think?!) So I got a shot of steroids and 6 days worth of steroids to take orally. 
They work.
I woke up this morning looking more normal already.

The rest of Sunday I watched Tombstone.
I already want to watch it again today.
For reals.

Kevin hung my ceiling tile in the bathroom.
This is our half bath on the main level.

I love it.

I scored this sign last weekend while out shopping with Mom and Dad.

And one last awesome thing from today...
Did you know, when you move your business into a new start to get wooed.
People who want to stock your office with supplies, process your charges, manage your accounts...
And did you know...they bribe you?
Give them your business and the gifts continue.
We got a couple of these today...
I'm ok with that :)

Happy Monday, all!

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