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Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

Yikes, I'm getting a late start today!
I haven't even been grocery shopping yet.

Going as soon as I'm done here, promise.

It's the week we leave for Florida! Finally!
I've been deep cleaning the car and JJ's car seat, making lists, organizing luggage...all the fun stuff.

On to the weekend.
This was where I spent my time.
End of story.
We spent most of the day outside.

I always take a radio outside with me when we're going to be in the pool.
Monday - Friday I listen to talk radio.
On the weekends, we jam.
Guess what we did all day?

Danced in the pool in our underwear.
Correction, I kept my swimsuit on the entire time.
JJ danced in his underwear.
And no, he's not potty trained. But when we're going to be outside for long periods of time, this is how he runs around. I take a small potty outside with us and ask him 3.9 million times if he has to go. He always says no. Then he always alerts me AS he's going that he needs the potty.
We'll get there.

Then I tried another variation of doing my nails with my stamps and make-up sponges.
I like it okay.
I'm going to redo it with brighter, more summer-y colors and try the cheetah over it and see how I like it. I'm thinking bright green, pink Purple? Can't decide. Or maybe I should have stamped the cheetah print in white? I dunno...something just seems off about it. 

We celebrated Father's Day.
Kevin's special present from JJ was three framed pictures that spell "DAD". Click the link and you'll see what I'm talking about. I think they turned out great! I tried to take a picture of the actual frame but it looks weird. So, I guess I should say you'll get the general idea. Thanks again, Pinterest! JJ did great, smiled, and got to deliver the present to Kevin in bed first thing in the morning.
Then we went to church.
Kevin requested chicken quesadillas as his special Father's Day dinner, so I obliged. It's one of his favorites.

Which brings me up to today.
Now, off to get those groceries. 
Well, first off to the pool deck to get JJ's car seat. It's been drying in the sun. Apparently 12 hours isn't long enough to expect that fabric to dry after scrubbing all the cereal, juice, and other questionable stains out.

Enjoy your Monday!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Danced in the pool in our underwear.
Correction, I kept my swimsuit on the entire time.
JJ danced in his underwear.

best part of the whole post. lol.

i feel ya on the potty training. 100% that's my life to a T. UGH!