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Friday, May 4, 2012

Illinois Recap

JJ and I had a great time in IL.
The only thing missing was Daddy (Kevin).

Here's how we spent our time....

Playgrounds, pizza and milkshakes while visiting Aunt Brooke.

Outside playing every. single. day. 
This kid loves being outside....his mommy, not so much.
Unless I'm in the pool getting a tan I have no use for being outside just for the sake of sitting outdoors. No thank you. If it's for a purpose (weenie roast, get together, etc) then ok....but if you want me to come over and just sit around outside with you, just save that phone call for someone else.

Dad and JJ "practicing" for the Tour de Tilden.

Then the real thing.

Getting ready to take off on their 10 mile ride.

Dad, Adam and JJ finishing up.

Joanna was right behind them, just couldn't fit her into the shot.
So she gets to shine on her own.

Family Picture.

Whenever we're at Grammy and Papa's house, there is always a lot of chalk art.
Should have turned this one around, oops.
I traced JJ's feet and then he got the great idea of body tracings.
He loved it.
Made sure to do a different pose each time.

We did a lot of them.
A whole sidewalk's worth.

Of course there was also plenty of swinging, sliding, running barefoot, climbing and getting super dirty. So basically, JJ had a great week. Now we're trying to get back into the swing of things...aka, make myself get back on that stinkin' treadmill! Monday is just around the's so much easier to start something (or in this case, re-start) on a Monday. Sounds good to me. 

Happy Friday, all!


Cassie said...

I feel ya on bringing outside ugh not my fave but anything for the babes.
Stella calls chalk hopscotch. Ha.

Katie said...

I'm with you on the outdoors. I'm not a fan...especially since it's been SO hot lately!