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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

I say weekend, but I guess I'm going all the way back to Wednesday.
After Bible Study let out, and snacks were had - we hoofed it to the gas station where the County Journal had been dropped off.
They contacted Kevin a few weeks back and asked if they could come out and do a story on him.
Last Friday was the day - so we made sure to buy (quite) a few copies.
Locals have until Wednesday evening to pick it up and check out the back of the first section - woot!

On Friday, I made breakfast for lunch.
Shelby crawled all over the table eating bacon.
Chomping, chewing, and leaving greasy handprints everywhere.

Then she got a bath and a nap.
Bacon belly and a nap?!

That evening, we were off to a bonfire.

I made use of all of the leftover glowing/flashing/lightup awesomeness from JJ's birthday by unloading it on all the kiddos.
Ok so not "all" of it.
We've still got plenty :)

Saturday was the soccer game.
Great weather meant Shelby could play on her blanket and watch the world go by.

For lineup, Papa let Shelby participate.
(Check out JJ's reaction!)

He clearly loved it.

Halfway through the game, Papa and Shelby wandered off. 
We found them on the swings.
He had been trying to get her off for half an hour, but she kept crying, so he kept pushing.

Sunday morning, we all got dressed up for church.
Shelby, specifically, looked amazing.
When I found out I was having a girl, mom and I went through the dresses of mine we have left.
There aren't many, because they went through myself, my sister, and then cousins, before making their way back. So some got stained, torn, lost, etc...but the ones I have are precious to me.

That afternoon, I got an automated call from the school that JJ would be meeting Fredbird and Al Hrabosky on Monday afternoon. So we laid out an appropriate outfit for him to wear.

He had a full, fun day.
Then tee ball practice.
Then, a fun night of milkshakes, movies, and board games.
We all went to bed completely exhausted.

Especially poor Shelby, who last week cut two teeth, and is currently working on two more. Going from 2 teeth to 6 teeth in a matter of days is pretty major. And she's making her discontent known. But we're working through it, and letting her sleep in our bed when necessary.
For some reason, that seems to take the pain away ;)

Also, we have just a few days until our tiny, little Shelby Lee is 1 year old.
I cannot fully comprehend how we got here already, and it makes me feel like vomiting a little. 

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