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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up

Yikes, missed yesterday. 
It's been a crazy couple of days - let's do a real quick wrap up, shall we?

You already know about Friday.

We stayed home most of the day, stayed nice and close to the potty.
We did go meet some friends for dinner.
My first experience with trying to get a toddler to "go" in a public restroom. He knew as well as I did how gross it was. Maybe we're born knowing it's best to hold it until you get home, who knows.

Then we headed out to get supplies to start killing as many wasps, bees, frogs, and weeds as possible. 
We also had to go stock up on potty prizes.
All in all, we were gone for 3 hours and 40 minutes.
No accients.

I was nervous about JJ going to church with big boy underwear on in the nursery.
He hated trying to potty away from home just the day before.
I also didn't want to make him someone else's responsibility.

But all the worrying was for nothing.
Because I had nursery duty.
And I had 4 boys.
Which was good, because they didn't mind seeing this...

We came home, had lunch, and played the rest of the day.

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