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Friday, April 5, 2013

Tricky and Tractors

Sorry for skipping yesterday.
It was super busy.
Like...this kind of busy...

Which means I'm being sarcastic.
Yesterday was a lazy, play Super Nintendo kind of day.
The kind of day where you hand your 3 year old the second (not plugged in) controller and let him think he's playing. An old trick I learned 20 years ago. I'm the oldest sibling, you see. I've been tricky from the get-go.

Kevin and I also shopped online for some of these...
Because JJ will look hilarious at the new house driving around on a tractor.

So, today - we met up with some friends for lunch.
The moms chatted, the children played, life was grand.

Then JJ and I headed to Target.
While there, we got a text from our dear friend, p, asking if we wanted to hit up a playground.

And since I had to tear my toddler away from said playground, kicking and screaming, we came home and played outside for a while before starting dinner.

I really hope Spring is here for real.
All this back and forth stuff is just terrible.
It's supposed to be SUPER nice this weekend!!

Happy Friday, all!

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