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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I'm Gonna Cheese You

A quick little weekend wrap-up...
Friday night...not much!
Hung around the house and had a lazy night.

Last week, I made banana muffins on Saturday afternoon and it worked out great. A nice treat and breakfast already done for Sunday morning. This week, I decided to bake again. This time...
Peanut Butter Cookies.
Made from a cake mix.
They were awesome.
(Thanks again, Pinterest)

Sophie enjoyed prepping the mixing bowl for the dishwasher.

Church, Chinese take-out, home.
I cleaned, Kevin worked, and JJ kept doing this...

I'm not even sure what I did yesterday....
Seriously...nothing major, I guess.

Today, we did Easter pics.
Or as JJ would tell you, he "got cheesed."
I posted them on my Facebook, but here are my favorites...

Of course we went back to our favorite people at Portrait Innovations.
Because we tell JJ to "Say Cheese!" - whenever he wants to take a picture of you he says "I'm gonna cheese you!" Which he does a lot...on my iPad (aka, "The Pad") and his Leap Pad.

Fun fact...he also routinely announces, "I can't read!"
Which really means, "I can't see!"
Why he says "read", I do not know.

Then we got lunch, went grocery shopping, bank, home.
Now, I've got to get back to packing...
Illinois bound in the morning with JJ!
Kevin will join us this weekend.
We are so excited - IL here we come!

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