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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

(Holiday) Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Tuesday!

Let's jump straight into the weekend because I've only got so much day left and a lot to do!
SO-IL bound tomorrow!

Kevin gives JJ his baths every night. 
It's a nice JJ/Daddy constant he can cherish.
Long baths, lots of playing, and chasing a naked baby toddler through the kitchen when it's all over before getting our pajamas on. 
But when Kevin paraded JJ out of the bathroom like this, I nearly died.

Then he did a dance, which was awesome.
Never a dull moment here.
Not a single one.

Friday and Saturday I was at a craft show.
Saturday just happened to be our buddy Big P's birthday.
So we all went out for Mexican.

Then we went to Sam's where I scored this cute cape/coat at a crazy good deal because it was the only one left and just happened to be my size.

We ran around Sam's some more, over to Target, then finally home.

Sunday we went to church, home, lunch, hang out.

Monday we did some shopping.
The kids in our church save money all year long.
Every Veteran's Day, we meet to go shopping and use that money to fill up shoe boxes (or other similarly shaped boxes) with lots of toys and goodies to send off for Operation Christmas Child.
Last year, I just filled up a box for JJ and we sent it off.
You select the gender and age of the child you're shopping for.
We chose a boy between 2-4, some little kid out there just like mine.

This year, however, JJ wanted to fill the box. 
He ran all over the store, picking toothbrushes, soaps, toys, crayons....and then it was time to turn in our box. He didn't get to keep this fun box filled from top to bottom with all his favorite things.
Did. not. care. one. bit.
As if he knew he was doing something nice and having fun at the same time.

Keeping with tradition, after all the kiddos filled their shoe boxes, we were off to Olive Garden to have a big, group lunch.
I'm not sure what JJ is plotting staring at the back of his sweet friend's head, but it doesn't look good.

Now, back to cleaning and packing.
In the car all day tomorrow.
Fun (LONG) weekend ahead of us.


Christine said...

Cute coat!!

Beth said...

Seriously - Sam's has the best stuff! Kenneth Cole for $19? Don't mind if I do! :)