Seriously, none.
Not one complaint.
It's a beautiful day.
My son is in a great mood.
Even my dog is behaving.
8 days until we're beach bound.
And besides the toys scattered across my kitchen, my house is clean. I'm even caught up on laundry. What is this world coming to, right?
JJ and Sophie stretching.
Yesterday, we met up with our buds to see a movie.
Then we went out for lunch.
I have to seriously ask this question....
Has anyone ever heard of such a thing?
Hot bologna?
Is this regional or does this go on back in Illinois, too?
And my Papa Lee's kitchen doesn't count. That man will try anything.
Is this regional or does this go on back in Illinois, too?
And my Papa Lee's kitchen doesn't count. That man will try anything.
That's hot sauce. And popcorn.
Anyway, I didn't get any hot bologna.
But I did enjoy some cheese fries.
Now off I go to finalize a few Father's Day surprises.
Isn't it a good thing my husband doesn't read this blog?
Or get on facebook?
Or get on facebook?
Man, he must really trust me.
there's a place on the hill in stl that has hot salami. and it's so freaking good. don't knock it til you try it.
Bethany, hot bologna ROCKS! I have been eating it since I was a kid. A good sauce and some good onion makes the sandwich. You have now made me want to get one for lunch! YUM!!
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