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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pinterest Vs. Real Life

I've got a ton of stuff I want to try thanks to Pinterest. Crafts to make....Pictures to take....Things that make me laugh.....Things that make me think. Earlier this week, when I was making my grocery shopping list, I decided to try out some of the pins on my Yum pinboard. Specifically, 3 new recipes.

So - Pinterest Pepperoni Loaf (original recipe found on this blog) vs. Trying it in real life. I figured I'd start simple. No need ruining my illusions of grandeur on the very first try.

The original prep:
My prep...

Original ready to  bake...
Mine ready to bake....

Original done...
 Mine done...

Plus, a little sneak peak of the inner-cheesy-goodness of the ones I made.

It was a very easy recipe, no real effort involved and it was pretty decent on the checkbook as well....which is always a plus.

Guess what we had for dessert?
Peanut Butter Madness...
 ...and lemon cupcakes with a cheesecake center and blueberry icing.
Courtesy of Simply Sweet :)
Perfect with a glass of nice, cold milk.


Mary Cavalier said...

Beth - Looks pretty good! Here is a similar recipe of mine that is always a big hit. It's a good way to use up lunch meat or cheese. You can use any combination you like.

Beth said...

Thanks, Mary! I can never have too many easy recipes :)