No joke. I have no idea what to call this post - it's a Tuesday and I have no words. Oh well.
So yesterday I went grocery shopping and our first stop was Aldi's. Wow - I forgot it was Thanksgiving week. That place was packed! And it was only noon! Aldi's is a small store with the aisles arranged in a certain way so that there is a natural flow to walking the store - keeps things moving. So typically, the people you walk in with are your shopping buddies until check-out. Lucky me, I got the grumpiest ol' gal in the state.
I can forgive old people when they are perpetually grumpy with some sass. Then it's sort of a funny/cantankerous personality. This lady was just straight up mad at the world. But, she was wearing a very cheerful Christmas sweater. It just didn't add up. I think she also thought I was trying to race her? Because she kept darting all over the place and cutting people off - I bet she drives similarly.
ANYWAY - on to our life lately...
JJ's obsession with his jacket is as strong as ever. He wanted me to help him put it on Saturday morning. I said no. So he did this himself and walked around checking everyone and everything's temperature with his ear thermometer.
When I walked into his room and found him like this Saturday night I almost lost it.
I promised one of JJ's playmates a hat months ago. Oops.
I finally finished it. I love it! It's spunky and fun and fits her personality perfectly.
We're also on the Grandparent Countdown!
Grammy and Papa will be here in a couple days - WOOHOO! JJ's going to flip when he sees them walk in the door - it's been almost a month and he has no idea what's coming.
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