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Friday, September 16, 2011

The Simple Things

Ah...the simple pleasures in life. Things like sleeping in, lazy afternoons with friends and family, finding money left if your winter coat last season that you had forgotten all about...and, of course, tormenting your dog with a laser pointer.

Sophie has always been obsessed with laser pointers. She's like a cat...she will track, pounce and attempt to destroy that little red dot of light. I've known that for a while now. JJ, however, is only just now figuring it out.

(His deep belly laughs in this video just kill me!)

The next video is the same, but you get to see Sophie's famous running in circles on a hardwood floor and can't stop trick. Enjoy!


Cassie said...

awwww, i love love love his deep laugh. too cute. made me lol.

Katie said...

His laugh is just the cutest :) Had me cracking up!