Yesterday I found myself going over a bit of a problem in my head. I love baking, but I'd rather eat salty things. So when I bake out of enjoyment, if I don't come across anyone to give my baked goods to, they end up going bad, getting hard and inedible and getting thrown away. (Or fed to the dog.)
So yesterday I set out to fix that. I love baking. But I want salty.
There was a clear answer in my head:
There was a clear answer in my head:
Find a recipe for MALL PRETZELS!
And yes, they tasted as good as they looked. I am serious when I tell you it was just like an Auntie Anne's Pretzel from the mall! Being my first attempt, there are definitely things I'd do differently. I'd use less dough on each pretzel to make them a bit thinner and I really need to practice my shaping technique. I used this recipe. It was very easy with my dear, sweet Kitchen-Aid...THANK YOU, MOM AND DAD, again, for that machine! It is worth it's weight in gold. I'm sure it could be done without a mixer, although you hands will get a bit dirty, but there's nothing wrong with that.
This photo is for proof that not all of my pretzels came out pretty. But still tasted good!
When they were done baking, I brushed melted butter over each one and covered them with sea salt.
JJ, who takes after his mother and loves all things salty, ate his own pretzel and then helped both Mommy and Daddy finish theirs. They also taste pretty good cold for breakfast - I can tell you from experience this morning.
They both look delicious! Can't wait to try the recipe.
Those look awesome! Yum!!
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