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Friday, May 22, 2015


Since May is coming to a close, let's just wrap up our month so far.
School is over.
Soccer is over.
I'm hoping that this summer will allow me to get back on the blogging train.

Let's go back to Shelby's one year checkup!
She's still tiny.
But she's still healthy.

And she and JJ are still obsessed with each other.
This would happen every day after JJ came home from school.
So happy to be reunited.

We went to a church swim party at the beginning of the month. 
I mean seriously...this swim suit.

For the church dinner we had this month, I made flower cupcakes and took them in a basket.
They were a hit!

The more mobile Shelby becomes, the more playing she and JJ can do.
They LOVE baths together.

The downside of the baby becoming more mobile is that this is the state of the bathroom every. single. time. I take a shower.
Shower, and then clean up the mess Shelby made.
It's getting old.

We attended the Sparta Carnival with friends.
It, of course, took place during what would be the rainiest week EVER.

The kids were soaked to the bone, but had a great time.

Mother's Day!
JJ brought me home a flower they planted at school.
It's currently in our flowerbed out front.

We had a tree fall behind the business.

Ammunition can do as much damage as termites in our neck of the woods.

As the weather got nice, we started spending time outside.
I'm dealing with it the best I can.
(I still hate the outdoors...except for the pool or beach. The end.)

But we've been shooting.

Turning in final preschool projects.

And attending tball games!
Baseball is back and JJ is happy about it.
He's doing so well this year.
We're really proud of him.

So proud, we've let him take celebratory bubble baths with the jets on.
He thinks it's hilarious.

I've been putting this girl in her crib and walking away at nap time.
She just lays there and goes to sleep.
And how her arm isn't cramping at that moment, I have no idea.
But she's growing up and starting to become more independent.

Spring with these two has been pretty awesome so far.

This week, we took JJ's teachers Summer Survival Kits to thank them for such a great year.

I almost don't recognize this face anymore!
He matured so much during preschool, learned a ton, made so many friends - it was SO good for him.

Kevin and I attended JJ's preschool fun day for the last day of school.

There, we received his scrapbook.
It is insane.
The time and effort that goes into these books is astounding.
Pictures. Keepsakes. Fingerprints. Artwork.
All broken up by their lessons they had for each letter of the alphabet.
It is very precious.

Once we were home, it was if Shelby knew she had JJ all to herself for the whole summer.

And they got right to work enjoying their time together.
Shelby's face cracks me up.
Pure joy.
And she stands - unable to contain her excitement at being a big kid.
She cannot sit. She must stand.
Summer is going to be pretty awesome out here in the country.

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