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Friday, May 8, 2015

Garden Party

About a month ago, JJ brought home a plain, white accordion style top hat.
It came with a note talking about how the kids were learning about spring.
They were talking about rainbows, bees, butterflies, flowers, etc - and we were to take a couple weeks and decorate this hat. Then, the kids would parade around the school showing off their creations.
That wasn't the best part.
They would also be hosting a Garden Party for their mothers/special lady guests and would parade around in their hats for their guests, as well.

So this is what we came up with for a springy hat for a boy, based on what the note said we could incorporate...

Then that evening - we got all dressed up for our Garden Party.

And to the school we went.
We ate by candlelight.

And twinkly lights.

There was even dessert.

Once dinner was over, it was time for the parade!
It was a pretty great evening.
And was so nice to have time with just JJ and I.

We hit up the book fair.
Then JJ took me to his hallway to show me the underwater scene his class has been working on.
That's JJ's squid :)

I can't believe the year is almost over.
My preschooler is almost a kindergartener.

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