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Monday, March 23, 2015


That was an unintended break.
We've been suuuuper busy.
I know I've been saying that a lot.
It's a worn out excuse, but it's true. 

We've been busy doing things like…

trying new foods.

getting ready for Easter.

attending birthday parties.

shoe shopping.

finding (and buying without even a second thought) classic DVDs from my childhood.

having special overnight guests.

special bed for a special guest.

spending time at the mall

and shopping til we drop.

learning to share food.

and spending quality bath time together.

Add into that doctor visits, groceries, spring cleaning, church events, strep throat (Kevin, not me or the kids, thankfully!) and everyday happenings….and I'm beat.
But that's ok.
The weather is turning.
And I swear I have more energy with there's sunshine to be had.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beth, I love reading all your updates. I miss seeing you guys.