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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Weekend (and Monday) Wrap Up

It's only Tuesday and this week has already been so busy!
Sorry for not blogging yesterday...

Ok, on to the weekend...
Friday night we had friends over, Kevin worked, and I tried my hand at this baked donut recipe that's floating around Pinterest. Awful. It was so bad. Sure, it looked like a donut - it absolutely didn't taste like one. Barf.

We went to a Carnival themed birthday party for one of JJ's buddies.

There were tickets, games, prizes, popcorn, sno-cones, corn dogs....
We had fun and I was that mom dragging her kid to the car kicking and screaming when it was time to go. 

Then we came home and I made these...
Owl leg warmers.
They will fit their intended owner's style well.

We went to church, home for lunch, then back to church to hear the Hunter Family sing.
This is what JJ did for the singing...

We did grocery shopping and some baking.

We went to my eye appointment.
Shopped around the mall.
These should be in every store. Lifesaver.
Then off to Wal-Mart to finish grocery shopping.
Chick-fil-A for lunch.
Home for a bit.
Back in the car to go spend a little time with a very special family from church.
Home again.
Officially. Worn. Out.

So is JJ.

But good news.
Only one more busy day and then we get to be lazy Thursday and Friday.
But not too lazy....Grammy and Papa are coming to town!!!

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