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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend Wrap Up

Whoa - back to blogging after a wonderful Easter weekend!
Here's a summary of how we spent our time in sweet, sweet Southern Illinois celebrating the Resurrection.

We spent in the car. Watching movies...mostly Toy Story.

How awesome does JJ look with this mohawk?!? Don't worry, this was still in the middle of the haircut, we didn't leave it like this...but maybe someday.
We also went to Good Friday services at church.

Dad, Kevin and Adam did some shooting.

I dyed some Easter eggs.
(Adam and Joanna had their names on an egg, too - but they took it with them. They were not left out...promise.)
Dad grilled and we ate more than we should.

We got goodies in our Easter baskets before church.

Got spiffed up for church.

Hunted eggs (filled with money and Hot-Wheels)

And (like every single other day we spent at home) JJ lived outside.
Climbing, sliding, swinging...

(JJ said "Weeee!" a lot this weekend)

....walking through the woods....

and going to bed SUPER tired.

Spent in the car driving back home.

A pretty amazing weekend, if I do say so myself.
The best part?
JJ and I get to do it again in a couple weeks! We're heading back home for the 1st ever Tour de Tilden. Yea, there's no way I would miss that. 

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