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Friday, March 2, 2012


Surprise, surprise....JJ and I had some running around to do yesterday.
I love running errands with my boy.

Everything fascinates him. He really enjoys being on the go and travels extremely well. He really likes interacting with people...telling them goodbye, offering them cheerios, "Shhh"-ing me when we see small, sleepy babies. We are so excited for spring - more running we get to do with less planning! Not having to worry about coats or jackets, checking weather for good days - just running out of the house at the drop of a hat. Which, in all honesty, we do a lot of anyway, since this winter has been so mild.

Yesterday, we had to run to the bank.
That means....SUCKERS!

But it also means sticky hands, so we're always sure to have wipes at the ready!
JJ has only very recently started eating suckers. He doesn't like candy or most sweets...but for some reason, he decided to start trying suckers. I hope this means he'll be branching out and trying all kinds of new things - but I'm not holding my breath. It's not in his genes to try things that look, smell or can be assumed to be suspect. 


Cassie said...

if we say bank stella thinks we say spank and then goes around hitting everyone's butts. lol. sucks because my sister works at the bank so people get spanked a lot at my house.

Beth said...

lol! I love that girlfriend knows what a swat to the behind is...I can assure you JJ knows full well what a spank is, haha! Hope you're well, lady!