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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Here goes nothing...

I've been going back and forth for a while now about whether or not to start a blog. I don't necessarily do anything extraordinary. There's nothing in particular I excel at. But I enjoy my life and all the blessings in it. I'm a mom to a wonderful 19 month old boy, JJ. I like being crafty and picking up new skills. I really like baking. But are those things anywhere near interesting enough to sustain a blog? To entertain readers? To keep my family (500 miles away) checking in on what's going on in our neck of the woods?

As I weighed my options, my son walked past me in the kitchen pushing his lawn-mower completely nude from the waist down. And just like that, I had my answer.


Susan said...

Don't worry; we love to read about the adventures of JJ and we think you're good at describing your lives there in WV. Besides, we love you! (Oh, and also, we "retired" moms like to chuckle and reminisce about our own stories.) All that's to say, thanks for the entertainment!

Mary Cavalier said...

just post a picture of JJ each time and they will all be checking it daily :-)

~~Rhonda said...

Welcome to blogland, Beth! I'm adding you to my google reader so I can stay up to date on what's happening. Give JJ a hug from me. :) ~~Rhonda